2015 Professional Bowling Associations (PBA) Celebrity Invitational

Chris Hardwick, CEO of Nerdist Industries, knocking out interview after interview.
Chris Hardwick, CEO of Nerdist Industries, knocking out interview after interview.

By Darbrielle Thomas

Photos by Remy Franklin

Torrance, CA (The Hollywood Times) 1/11/14 – Entertainers and sports stars like Nick Cannon and Terrell ‘T.O’ Owens took over the red carpet before the start of the 2015 Professional Bowling Associations (PBA) Celebrity Invitational hosted by none other than L.A. Clippers all-star Chris ‘CP3’ Paul. Personalities ranging from television and radio, to well-known PBA members all came out to support the 6th year anniversary of the Celebrity Invitational.
This year’s invitational held at the AMF Bowl-O-Drome in Torrance Ca opened its doors promptly at 5:30 pm to a line wrapped around the establishment of eager fans waiting to see their favorite noteworthy celebs and PBA pros. However excited the fans were for the lighthearted competition at hand, the reason behind this contest was much more substantial than fun and games. I had the pleasure of talking to the host and founder of the CP3 foundation that benefits and supports at risk/disadvantaged youth, disaster relief, education, homelessness, and sports education.

Chris Paul stopped for a quick photo with our red carpet correspondent Darbrielle Thomas,
Chris Paul stopped for a quick photo with our red carpet correspondent Darbrielle Thomas,

Followng the death of a close family member, the NBA star made the decision to establish this foundation in honor of his late grandfather so that children and youth in general could have the same strong support systems that was granted to him during his adolescence. “A lot of things that the [CP3 Foundation] do is all about kids” Paul declares. “We are all about showing kids that people do care about them and try to give them an opportunity and show them that hard work does pay off.” The core of Paul’s values seems to be deep rooted in family and the incomparable bond that comes from it. Unlike many other celebrities however, CP3 seems to have not forgotten those roots and the reasons behind the start of the foundation. He revealed to me during our interview that the foundation has actually provided funding for students’ education. “I’m proud that [the foundation] has a scholarship that goes to Wake Forest in my late grandfather’s name.”

Head of the CP3 Foundation and point guard for the Los Angeles Clippers. Chris Paul, arriving on the red carpet
Head of the CP3 Foundation and point guard for the Los Angeles Clippers. Chris Paul, arriving on the red carpet

Honorable mentions of other on screen sensations that were in attendance that I had the privilege of speaking with was none other than the talented (and gorgeous!!) Jesse Williams of the hit, 11 season TV drama Greys Anatomy. While speaking to Williams he informed me that he was interested in bowling along-side PBA star and close friend Sean Rash and working with Chris Paul once more for his admirable foundation. Former football extraordinaire Terrell Owens also spoke with me about knowing Chris Paul very well and being eager to play against him, and win!

Grey's Anatomy star, Jesse Williams, and 6-time Pro Bowl wide receiver, Terrell Owens, make their mark on the red carpet.
Grey’s Anatomy star, Jesse Williams, and 6-time Pro Bowl wide receiver, Terrell Owens, make their mark on the red carpet.

Don’t miss the airing of the Celebrity Invitational on Super bowl Sunday (Feb. 1) on ESPN @4:30 PST.

10 thoughts on “2015 Professional Bowling Associations (PBA) Celebrity Invitational”

  1. Awesome collaboration. Darbrielle you really draw in the reader from the first paragraph. Remy Excellent photography skills. KUDOS!!!


  2. I was distracted by Avery Brown (grey’s anatomy guy). Um lol but I’d say it flowed well, I was able to get the main point (the reason behind Chris Paul starting this foundation in honor of his grandfather to be support groups and role models for kids), mentioned some other celebs, and gave info. to where u can watch the invitational. I give you ✋10👏👏👏


  3. Outstanding Artical, you did a great job and details are on point! Looks like they have a winner in the squad! Keep it up.


  4. Hey Congrats Darbrielle! Great Article. I had no Idea CP3 had a foundation. Hope you get to continue being the interviewer and hope to catch more of your work! You rock girl!


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